Bridging the Gap


Cracking the Nut 2017 Publication

The Cracking the Nut 2017 publication is now available for the public! The conference sought to address many of the issues we face to reinforce food systems to meet the growing demand of urban centers around the world. We are encouraged and inspired by the work and innovations that were on display, and the discussions they generated during the two-day event. The Cracking the Nut team has been hard at work compiling and reviewing the most important takeaways from the conference.

The publication is a conglomeration of the main lessons learned from the conference and emphasizes specific cases of innovative methodologies and implementation practices that were presented. The goal of the publication is for it to be used as both a reference for lessons learned and as a catalyst for future discussions and ideas on this essential topic.

We would like to thank all of the speakers and reviewers who helped refine the publication’s lessons and assisted in its completion.

Go to the Cracking the Nut website to learn more about Cracking the Nut and to see previous years’ conference publications and information.