
Cracking the Nut 2018: Promoting Agricultural Technology Adoption and Resilience

The 2018 Cracking the Nut conference took place on June 12-13, 2018 in Antigua, Guatemala at the Hotel Soleil La Antigua. The conference focused on encouraging the uptake of new technologies for agriculture and access to finance, in a way that promotes resilience. Connexus Corporation worked with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), USAID, Feed the Future, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Chemonics International, and NCBA CLUSA to organize the two-day learning event, which highlighted the broad range of technologies and approaches available to mitigate and adapt to global changes related to rural and agricultural development.

The conference brought together approximately 200 of the world’s leading industry thought leaders from private sector companies, financial institutions, investors, donors, and development practitioners to discuss “tough nuts” related to promoting agriculture technology adoption and resilience.

Visit the conference website to read more, and stay tuned for news about the conference publication, coming later this summer!