Connexus is pleased to announce the first ever Cracking the Nut Health conference!
While Connexus is not known for health technical services, our work related to food safety and security overlaps with health, as most technical areas of international development do. In fact, our Cracking the Nut® learning events have demonstrated the power of facilitating learning across traditional development stove pipes to identify and spawn new approaches to improve development and access to finance. With guidance from an Advisory Committee of Global Health Specialists, Connexus is applying its successful Cracking the Nut® methodology to facilitate learning in what we perceive to be “the elephant in the room” in development health, the need for more attention and resources to strengthen community health systems from the ground up.
The Ebola crisis of 2014 made us all acutely aware of the fact that the global health system is interconnected and that faulty systems in one country puts people at risk all over the world. We need to move beyond providing short-term funds and solutions to specific maladies to ensure that we have long-term, sustainable mechanisms for early alarms as well as to provide a humane level of health services to poor people in developing nations. Cracking the Nut: Global Health System Strengthening and Resilience will provide a demand-driven, collaborative learning space where participants can share experiences and thought leadership on programs, methodologies, strategies and tools; network to build partnerships; and gain new technical capacities to build the fields of community and global health. For more information, visit