Bridging the Gap

Our Projects

Institutional Strengthening of Organizations Supporting Women’s Economic Participation in Colombia

As subcontractor to Tetra Tech on USAID/Colombia’s Generating Equity project, Connexus used its Impact Strengthening Development (ISD®) Toolkit to assess and guide local Colombian organizations to become institutionally stronger and ready to manage direct USAID funding. Connexus worked with 29 organizations in Colombia that are dedicated to socio-economic empowerment of women and girls, including gender-based violence, in conflict and violence-affected municipalities. We also worked to uplift marginalized groups such as women with disabilities, Afro-Colombians, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans(gender), intersex (LGBTI), and indigenous women. While developing their capacity to train other local organizations as well, we also provided GESI training to all of these organizations.

Connexus’ ISD® toolkit is a practical and innovative organizational assessment and capacity development program that supports USAID’s localization initiative. The toolkit provides risk mitigation as well as capacity strengthening as it focuses on internal controls as well as organizational capacity development planning. It employs a process for local partners to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and priorities, and then collaboratively develop a transparent roadmap to scale their management capacity, strengthen their sustainability, and improve their performance. The ISD® Assessment focuses on 10 pillars of organizational development, namely: Governance and Ethics, Administration, Human Resources Management, Financial Management, Organizational Management, Program Management, Project Management, Leadership and Team, Financial Sustainability, and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion.

Connexus supported two national level organizations (Women in Connection and Red Nacional de Mujeres) and 27 regional civil society organizations in Colombia under the Generating Equity project.

  • Women in Connection (WIC) is an organization of women leaders that seeks to empower women and their role in the business sector, public sector, and civil society. Connexus conducted WIC’s ISD® assessment in November 2021. Connexus has provided technical assistance in drafting operations manual, financial management manual, business operations manual, timesheet, disciplinary process, complaint process, and talent promotion and retention policy.
  • Red Nacional de Mujeres (RNM) is a renowned organization working for women’s empowerment in Colombia for the last 30 years. Connexus conducted the ISD® assessment in June 2022, and provided technical assistance in developing their anti-corruption and bribery manual, budget monitor, operations manual, and purchasing manual.
  • Connexus also provided institutional strengthening capacity building services to 27 small regional civil society organizations in Colombia.
Tetra Tech