In Afghanistan, Connexus used the ISD® Toolkit to assess multiple local organizations to be ready to manage USAID grant funds and received the following kudos from DAI’s DCOP, Bill Dalton: “The scores and what you have found about the organizations [through the ISD® assessment] almost identically match what we have found regarding the ability of these organizations to perform delivering their grants. It’s amazing, it just marries up. Really, it would have been a great help to us 3 years ago at the beginning of this project when we were evaluating the bids for these grants to have had that information and background on these grantees or on other grantees that have completed grants for us but haven’t really delivered as much as we could have hoped for. I’m sold. I believe in this assessment process. It’s a good tool, I strongly recommend it. And moving forward to other projects, I couldn’t recommend it high enough.”