USAID Libya Economic Acceleration Program

Connexus worked with Chemonics International and Super Novae on the USAID-funded LEAP Activity that works with vulnerable communities, victims of conflict, private enterprises, and business development service (BDS) providers to cultivate community cohesion and enhance private sector competitiveness. Connexus’ Access to Finance Expert worked with Libyan financial institutions (FIs) to determine their capacity and willingness […]

Access to Finance Assessment for Energy in Sierra Leone

Connexus was contracted by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to conduct an access to finance assessment for last mile electrification in Sierra Leone. Along with our subcontractor Tetra Tech, Connexus studied how the increased availability and reliability of electricity, coupled with access to financial services, can be a platform for economic growth in the agricultural […]

Feed the Future Nigeria Agricultural Extension & Advisory Services Activity

Connexus is working with USAID and Winrock International to implement the Feed the Future Nigeria AEAS Activity, leveraging the power of Nigerian entrepreneurship to facilitate learning, replication, and scale around alternative models of extension to increase access and adoption of agricultural technologies for at least two million smallholder farmers (SHFs) in Benue, Cross River, Delta, […]

West Africa Trade and Investment Hub

The West Africa Trade & Investment Hub (the Trade Hub) was a five-year project that promoted trade and investments in West Africa using private sector co-investments. Connexus led the Public Private Partnership (PPP) component of the Trade Hub, as part of Creative Associates’ consortium. As PPP lead, Connexus’s job was to identify and build a […]

Feed the Future Nigeria Agribusiness Investment Activity

Connexus led the Finance and Investment Unit under CNFA’s USAID-funded Feed the Future Nigeria Agribusiness Investment Activity, which exceeded its target of facilitating$225M in agribusiness lending and investment capital through lead agribusinesses. Using a market systems and value chain approach, Connexus developed agricultural finance capacity in partner financial institutions (FIs) in the northern states of […]

Linking Infrastructure, Finance and Farms to Cashew (LIFFT Cashew)

As part of USDA’s grant Linking Infrastructure, Finance and Farms to Cashew (LIFFT Cashew) awarded to Shelter for Life in 2017, Connexus played a leading role in facilitating access to agricultural finance, investment, and marketing to strengthen the cashew growing regions of Senegal, The Gambia, and Guinea Bissau. Connexus supported supply and demand for agricultural […]

Accountable Governance for Improved Service Delivery (AGIS)

As a subcontractor to Crown Agents, Connexus provided long- and short-term assistance on USAID’s Accountable Governance for Improved Service Delivery (AGIS) Project in Zambia. Connexus worked with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of General Education to improve internal controls, budgeting, and public financial management (PFM). Connexus also led the development and implementation of […]

GROW Liberia

Connexus developed a financial product backed by a guarantee fund to support vegetable traders in Monrovia for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s (Sida) GROW Liberia project. Connexus conducted interviews with all project stakeholders to understand the value chain and market dynamics, and partnered with a local financial institution to develop the operational processes and […]

Afghanistan Public Financial Management (APFM)

The USAID Afghanistan Public Financial Management project supported the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to improve fiscal sustainability and enable delivery of essential services by strengthening the Government’s ability to mobilize domestic revenues and more effectively manage its budget. As part of the consortium, Connexus was responsible for leading the Public Financial Management […]

Agricultural Value Chain Study

Connexus conducted research on the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Group’s private sector investments and initiatives in Latin American and Caribbean countries related to agricultural value chains. The study included desk research on high agricultural growth value chains and a detailed assessment of IADB’s current investment vehicles and projects, including on-site visits and interviews with IADB […]

Agricultural Finance Strengthening in Vietnam

Connexus was contracted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to help banks design, adjust, and implement financial services in rural areas targeting farmers and agribusinesses, primarily through the development and presentation of an “Agrifinance Toolkit.” Building on IFC’s in-house knowledge, Connexus organized the content, tools, and processes used in successful agricultural lending. In addition, Connexus […]

Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth (PSDAG)

The USAID Rwanda Private Sector Driven Agricultural Growth (PSDAG) project increased smallholder incomes by promoting private sector investments and connecting smallholders to markets to transform the Rwandan agricultural sector. As part of the RTI-led consortium, Connexus vetted small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in targeted value chains and connected them with local financial institutions (FIs) to […]

SME Finance in West Africa

Connexus conducted market research on supply and demand for small and medium enterprise (SME) finance in West Africa (Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Burkina Faso). Connexus paired international and local finance specialists to interview banks engaged in SME finance and survey 225 SME owners and managers on their needs and interests. The teams each conducted three […]

Financial Access for Investing in the Development of Afghanistan (FAIDA)

Leading the Banking Capacity Building Component, Connexus provided short- and long-term assistance to USAID’s $108 million Financial Access for Investing in the Development of Afghanistan (FAIDA) in partnership with Chemonics International. FAIDA worked to build a sustainable and inclusive financial sector that meets the needs of micro, small, and medium enterprises, ensuring that they have […]