Compliance and Capacity Strengthening for Diverse Partnerships (CCSDP) IDIQ

Connexus was awarded USAID’s Compliance and Capacity Strengthening for Diverse Partnerships (CCSDP) IDIQ, along with its Consortium, including ME&A, Palladium and local and regional partners. CCSDP has a ceiling of $250M and a period of performance through Sept. 30, 2028. The main objective of CCSDP is to ensure that local organizations have the capabilities and […]

Institutional Strengthening of Organizations Supporting Women’s Economic Participation in Colombia

As subcontractor to Tetra Tech on USAID/Colombia’s Generating Equity project, Connexus used its Impact Strengthening Development (ISD®) Toolkit to assess and guide local Colombian organizations to become institutionally stronger and ready to manage direct USAID funding. Connexus worked with 29 organizations in Colombia that are dedicated to socio-economic empowerment of women and girls, including gender-based violence, in conflict and […]

Institutional Strengthening of Colombian Firms Supporting Formalized Land Transactions

In supporting USAID/Colombia’s Land for Prosperity Activity, under the Tetra Tech-led STARRIII IDIQ, Connexus is working with five organizations in Colombia that are dedicated to addressing the challenges stemming from informal land rights through titling programs, strengthening government capacities to manage land, and creating legal economic opportunities for rural communities. Connexus employs its Impact Strengthening […]