Integrating Social Performance Management into Microfinance Capacity Building
Connexus managed a project for the Imp-Act Consortium, Integrating Social Performance into Microfinance Capacity Building, which included creating and managing an advisory committee of leading social performance management specialists, and working with microfinance networks and service providers, such as Microsave, and the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, to improve their training materials. Connexus developed […]
Progress Out of Poverty Index at Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation
For the Grameen Foundation, Connexus rewrote and edited a case study on applying the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI) to improve social performance management at the Filipino MFI, Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF).
Financial Literacy Training
Connexus designed and delivered training on “Building Financial Literacy in Youth” at a youth center in Montevideo, MN and at Parenting Oasis in Minneapolis, MN.