Compliance and Capacity Strengthening for Diverse Partnerships (CCSDP) IDIQ
Connexus was awarded USAID’s Compliance and Capacity Strengthening for Diverse Partnerships (CCSDP) IDIQ, along with its Consortium, including ME&A, Palladium and local and regional partners. CCSDP has a ceiling of $250M and a period of performance through Sept. 30, 2028. The main objective of CCSDP is to ensure that local organizations have the capabilities and […]
Agricultural Value Chain Study
Connexus conducted research on the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Group’s private sector investments and initiatives in Latin American and Caribbean countries related to agricultural value chains. The study included desk research on high agricultural growth value chains and a detailed assessment of IADB’s current investment vehicles and projects, including on-site visits and interviews with IADB […]
MasterCard Foundation Symposia on Financial Inclusion
Connexus and BLE Solutions served as Learning Partner for The MasterCard Foundation Symposia on Financial Inclusion. Presented in partnership with the Boulder Institute of Microfinance, the Symposia sought to change how financial service providers and microfinance industry leaders think about and design their products and services, placing clients at the center. Through the Learning Partnership, […]
Cross-Sectoral Youth (CSY) Project
Connexus supported a one-year holistic project to improve employment opportunities and enterprises for youth in Eastern Congo, including design of market-driven training and coaching programs and a monitoring and evaluation system to measure the financial and social performance impacts. Through the program, Connexus designed and delivered four training sessions on basic accounting and cash flow […]