Our Projects

Compliance and Capacity Strengthening for Diverse Partnerships (CCSDP) IDIQ

Connexus was awarded USAID’s Compliance and Capacity Strengthening for Diverse Partnerships (CCSDP) IDIQ, along with its Consortium, including ME&A, Palladium and local and regional partners. CCSDP has a ceiling of $250M and a period of performance through Sept. 30, 2028. The main objective of CCSDP is to ensure that local organizations have the capabilities and resources to serve as prime partners for USAID, along with ensuring that USAID is equipped to reduce the risks associated with local partner implementation. CCSDP has four areas of focus:

  1. Support for Mission Staff to Improve Local Partnerships
  2. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Support
  3. Risk Mitigation Support
  4. Capacity Strengthening for Local Actors

For information, please contact Rashmi Ekka (rekka@connexus.email)

Connexus USAID CCSDP Flyer January 2024
